Comments in C#
Comments are essential for making your code understandable. They can explain what your code does, which is helpful for anyone reading it (including yourself).
Inline Comments: Use
for single-line comments.1
// This is an inline comment.
Multi-line Comments: Use
/* */
for comments that span multiple lines.1 2 3 4
/* This is a multi-line comment. It spans multiple lines. */
In C#, every statement ends with a semicolon (;
). This tells the compiler where a statement ends.
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
Writing to the Console
Printing messages to the console is straightforward with Console.Write
and Console.WriteLine
Console.WriteLine: Prints the message followed by a newline.
Console.Write: Prints the message without a newline.
1 2
Console.WriteLine("This prints with a newline."); Console.Write("This prints without a newline.");
Taking Input from the User
To take input from the user, use Console.ReadLine
. By default, this method reads input as a string.
Data Types in C#
Data types specify the kind of data a variable can hold. Understanding data types is key to using variables effectively.
Value Types: Store actual values. Common value types include:
Reference Types: Store references to the actual data. Common reference types include:
, arrays (type[]
Declaring Variables
Variables are containers for storing data values. To declare a variable, you need to specify its type and assign it a value.
type variableName = value;
1 2
string name = "CodeFryDev"; Console.WriteLine(name);
Common Data Types and Their Usage
Here are some common data types in C# and their typical usage:
: Integer values1
int myInteger = 10;
: Single-precision floating-point numbers1
float myFloat = 3.14f;
: Double-precision floating-point numbers1
double myDouble = 3.14159;
: Boolean values (true
bool isTrue = true;
: Single character1
char myChar = 'A';
: Unsigned integers (0 to 255)1
byte myByte = 255;
: Small integers1
short myShort = 1000;
: Large integers1
long myLong = 1000000000;
: Precise decimal numbers, often used in financial calculations1
decimal myDecimal = 123.456m;
Example: Classifying Data Types
Let’s see how different types of data can be classified and stored in variables:
User Age: Age is a number, so we can use an integer type.
int userAge = 24;
User Name: Names are text, so we use a string type.
string userName = "CodeFryDev";
User Favourite Games: A list of favorite games can be stored in an array of strings.
string[] favoriteGames = { "Chain Reaction", "Snake", "Chess", "Tomb Raider" };
Understanding comments, semicolons, console I/O, and data types will give you a solid foundation to build upon. Happy coding!